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About Our Church

St. Catherine, Tarboro History

St. Catherine, Tarboro goes back to 1844, when Tarboro’s first Anglo Catholics came from Virginia. The idea of building a catholic church came into plan beginning 1892. The construction of the first church of St. Catherine started in summer of 1897 and was completed in the spring of 1898. It was used until 1925, when it was judged unfit for further use. They rebuild the church and rectory in 1929 (which is the present rectory and office space). On June 22, 1934, St. Catherine was erected as a parish. 


the Faith

Then 50 years later, the Carlisle funeral home chapel is about to demolish its building and then pastor of St. Catherine asked the building to be donated to St. Catherine since the church of 1929 is too small. On June 19, 1979, people were on the streets watching the building being moved from its original site to its present location.”


We are a community of faith striving for holiness under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and guided by the authority of the Catholic Church., we continue to provide a space for Catholics in this area of Tarboro and lead them to Holiness.

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